We invite you to join us for a virtual conversation about downtown Sugar Hill and our participation in the Main Street Georgia program. We’ll be discussing plans for 2021, including how to highlight our arts, history, and entertainment.
The meeting may be accessed via WebEx at the link, or by phone with the credentials listed below.
Meeting number (access code): 132 647 2077
Meeting password: sugarhill
Meeting password: sugarhill
Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-408-418-9388,,1326472077## United States Toll
+1-202-860-2110,,1326472077## United States Toll (Washington D.C.)
+1-408-418-9388,,1326472077## United States Toll
+1-202-860-2110,,1326472077## United States Toll (Washington D.C.)
Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
+1-202-860-2110 United States Toll (Washington D.C.)
Global call-in numbers
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
+1-202-860-2110 United States Toll (Washington D.C.)
Global call-in numbers