$ 0 0 The City of Sugar Hill is asking for your cooperation and assistance. Federal regulations require us to communicate to our various audiences about safety issues and determine our effectiveness. As part of our ongoing public awareness efforts, it is necessary for us to periodically gauge how we are doing. The following survey tool will help us determine our effectiveness. Please take a moment to carefully and accurately respond to the following survey and indicate how successful you feel the City of Sugar Hill has been in making you aware of the various key messages, as defined in the survey. Again, please consider your answers carefully and accurately. Thank you for your time and attention. 1. In the last year, have you seen or heard any information from the City of Sugar Hill relating to natural gas pipeline safety?*YesNo1a. If yes, what was the source of the information? (check all that apply)* Written material (brochure, flyer, handout) Radio TV Newspaper ad or article Face-to-face meeting Posted information (e.g. on or near City of Sugar Hill’s pipeline) Other Please clarify your "other" answer from 1a*1b. About how many times did you see information on natural gas safety in the past year?*2. Have you or anyone in your household tried to obtain information about pipeline safety in the last 12 months?*YesNo2a. If yes, where did you try? (check all that apply)* Internet Call Letter Visit to the gas company office Other Please clarify your "other" answer from 2a*3. Do you live close to a natural gas pipeline?*YesNoDon't Know3a. If yes, where is the pipeline, or how close are you to it?*4. What would you do in the event that you were first to see damage to a natural gas pipeline? (check all that apply)* Call 911 Call the pipeline operator Flee the area Nothing (it is not my responsibility) Other Please clarify your "other" answer from 4*5. What would you do if you saw someone intentionally trying to damage a natural gas pipeline? (check all that apply)* Call 911 Call the pipeline operator Flee the area Nothing (it is not my responsibility) Other Please clarify your "other" answer from 5*6. Have you ever called a natural gas pipeline operator, 911, or anyone else to report a suspicious or worrisome activity near a pipeline?*YesNo6a. If yes, what did you report? (check all that apply)* A pipeline break A pipline leak Digging near the pipeline Other Please clarify your "other" answer from 6a*7. Have you or anyone in your household or company ever encountered a damaged natural gas pipeline?*YesNo7a. If yes, what did you do?*8. Have you ever passed along information about natural gas pipeline safety to someone else?*YesNo8a. If yes, what information and to whom?*9. Who would you contact if you needed to know the location of a gas line or other utility on your property?*City of Sugar HillThe Utilities Protection Center (811)I do not need to contact anyoneThe Phone, Power, and Water companies10. Do you agree or disagree that the City of Sugar Hill has been doing a good job of informing people about natural gas pipeline safety?*Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeIf you disagree, why?*