IFB 21-002 – Tower Lease 6096 Suwanee Dam Road
+/- 2,000SF Cell Tower Parcel – 6096 Suwanee Dam Road, NE
The City of Sugar Hill is accepting bids for the ground lease of certain land owned by the City currently in use for the purpose of operating a wireless communications tower. The duration of the lease will be for an initial term of 10 years beginning in November 2022 with one (1) renewal of a second ten-year term for a total of 20 years. All offers should be submitted in the form of a sealed bid to the office of the Assistant City Manager by 4PM on Thursday, May 20, 2021. No bids will be accepted after this time. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The highest responsible and responsive bidder will be considered for award of the lease. The City reserves the right to waive any informality; to reject any and all bids; and to cancel the solicitation at any time prior to execution of the lease at its sole discretion.
The CITY property to be leased is located on .088 acres at 6096 Suwanee Dam Road, on Land Lot 347 of the 7th district of Gwinnett County (see attached survey). The lessee is currently American Tower Asset Sub, LLC. The successful bidder will be required to provide proof of insurance throughout the term in accordance with O.C.G.A. 36-37-6 ($1M general liability at this time).
Questions about this solicitation including site access should be directed to Mr. Troy Besseche, Assistant City Manager at 770-945-6716 or via email: tbesseche@cityofsugarhill.com.
Please view the full IFB (PDF) at the link below for the bid form, diagram of the site layout, and aerial photos for use in responding to this request.
VIEW IFB (PDF): IFB 21-002 Cell Tower Lease at SH Golf Club